Come to the Planetarium at Taylor Observatory for a mind-blowing lecture on our place in the universe and the constellations of Fall!
The Night Sky Series is designed for beginners and experienced amateur astronomers. The focus is on learning the night sky in a “geographic” sense…locating yourself in our solar system, the Milky Way, and our local group of galaxies.
This lecture will include:
Auriga (The Charioteer)
Camelopardalis (The Giraffe)
Taurus (The Bull)
Each class begins in the Norton Planetarium with a one-hour lecture covering a variety of astronomical topics and highlighting three new constellations. We will learn how to locate these constellations in the night sky, their mythology, and what telescopic wonders can be found within their boundaries.
After the lecture, we go outside (weather permitting) to locate the constellations just presented and view deep-sky objects within those constellations through the Taylor Observatory’s telescopes.
Detailed informational handouts are provided at each class.
This event will be hosted by Lake County Office of Education Astronomy expert Angelo Parisi.
Children 5 and under are free.
Adults are $10 each.
Students are $5 each.
Families of 4 or more can register for a discounted price together for $5.
For more information, contact Angelo Parisi at aparisi@lakecoe.org