Many people have been wondering about them. We finally found the answer! A gentleman, Arthur Mull, is the person behind this act of kindness. Here’s his explanation:

If you will notice, there are no words. And they are placed where everyone can see them. I myself like them more than almost all advertising.

In my thinking, of my heart, they purposely are to be felt and influential consciously; Seeing them among all else in ones day. In ones travel about during there day. To be aware of the open clear message that they represent.

And subconsciously to be of the same meaning that the symbol overall can represent.

Advertising is mostly for subconscious effect. Well I like to think that these common symbols lighten that up as well. 

We humans have our own individual wounds and as well our collective wounds. Our traumas that are woven within our lives.

These hearts are for healing. The reminder for healing. A symbol for love between us. Within us. Can be so simple as a quiet warm inner buzz. 

I noticed beginning with the valley fire that some people expressed a lot of gratitude and appreciation that they were there.

I do not have much ability in which to buy the materials and gasoline to make very many of them and place them these days.

I have mostly placed them in lake county, though a number of them in Mendocino, colusa, Napa, counties; and as well butte, glen, Sonoma, yolo, Sacramento, Stanislaus, San Francisco, Marin, tehama, Shasta counties, and northern Oregon.

Some people have acquired them from me and sent and brought them elsewhere.

I don’t even have a place to cut and paint them anymore.

These more recent ones I made in willits last summer before I left. A batch of about 70. And selfishly they are therapeutic for me also.

In 20 years I have painted and placed over 2300 of them.